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Our new, unique restaurant space is the place where you will not only eat deliciously, but also spend pleasant moments in a cosy and original interior inspired by the coastal climate. Coffee? Doughnuts? Ice cream? A quick snack or perhaps a delicious lunch? Whatever you choose, you can enjoy a tasty snack before continuing your shopping.

Da Mere

Roman pizza by the slice, Italian pastas and delicious desserts. Unique recipes, selected ingredients and unmistakable taste. Da Merè Pizza e Pasta! Cuisine with the heart of a true Italian.



Highly recommended

A bakery-cafe with fragrant and crunchy bread (also based on natural sourdough). On offer are, among other things, breads, rolls, baguettes, sandwiches, wraps, pizza, bagels, focaccia, sweet and salty snacks, coffee (100% arabica of speciality quality from the Brazilian Cerrado region) and ready meals.

Papa Gyros

PapaGyros is the place where passion for Greek street food combines with exceptional taste! Original and delicious dishes are prepared with the highest quality ingredients imported straight from sunny Greece. Delicious snacks and original buble tea will further pass the time.



So Coffee

A place created for those looking for good coffee, unique drinks, quality snacks and excellent cakes prepared from original recipes and delicious ice cream. Professional, fast service, cosy and pleasant interiors allow you to relax for a while in a relaxing environment.