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Bajkowy Labirynt

Bajkowy Labirynt is an ideal place for all active children aged 3 - 10. The playroom offers both: individual and group entries (with a completely new option - exclusive rental of the entire space!). We sell tickets on a daily basis: 45-minute tickets, all-day tickets and all-day tickets with the option of leaving and returning. It is also worth remembering about the possibility of obtaining a Loyalty Card (KSK), which lowers entry prices, and an Open Pass - for unlimited entries.

Bajkowy Labirynt is also a great place to organize a child's birthday party. Celebrants and their parents can choose from 3 birthday packages, which can be easily tailored to their needs and tastes.

We recommend not leaving the child without parental supervision, but in the case of independent, older children, this is possible. And during this time, the parent can easily spend time shopping or having a coffee ;)

We invite all kids from Monday to Friday from 10:00 - 21:00 and on Saturdays from 9:00 to 21:00! See you there!



Bajkowy Labirynt

Designer Outlet Gdańsk
Sklep P10
ul. Przywidzka 8
80-174 Gdańsk

+48 512 309 881