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Ecco is a Danish brand, established in 1963 by Karl Toosbuy, that has been led by the idea of creating shoes that are anatomically adjusted to feet, and which combine modern technologies, great design and traditions of shoemaking craft. We strongly believe tat it is the form that adapts to the function. This is why the main inspiration for our project are feet. We want our male, female and children lines to be both beautiful and comfortable, reflecting our values. At ECCO we are inspired by nature. We combine elegant simplicity with timeless style. To us, the source of beauty lays in fabric, shape and colour. Our style is based on plain lines, beautiful leather and the best fabric. Every shoe has to submit to the foot's movement. This is why ECCO shoes are light, soft and flexible. Since we are a Danish brand, out design is of strong Scandinavian character enriched by inspirations from the whole world. Every design is based on the unique ECCO formula, based not only on fashionable design, but also interesting combinations. ECCO designers find the inspiration not only from nature, but also traditional Danish designs, and the shoe models are created for the most demanding streetwear, casual or sport fashion enthusiasts, those who care for the high quality, fine details, fashionable design and comfort. No matter where you are or what you do -  you'll be comfortable in ECCO shoes!



Designer Outlet Gdańsk
Sklep P24
ul. Przywidzka 8
80-174 Gdańsk

+48 538 980 085