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PUMA is one of the world’s leading sports brands, designing, developing, selling and marketing footwear, apparel and accessories. For over 65 years, PUMA has been producing the most innovative products for the fastest athletes on the planet. PUMA offers performance and sport-inspired lifestyle products in categories such as Football, Running and Training, Golf, and Motorsports. PUMA engages in exciting collaborations with renowned designers like STAPLE, STAMPD or TRAPSTAR to bring innovative and fast designs to the sports world.
The PUMA Group owns the brands PUMA and COBRA Golf as well the subsidiary Dobotex. PUMA distributes its products in more than 120 countries and employs more than 13,000 people worldwide. In 2013, Bjorn Gulden (CEO) released a new statement regarding PUMA's mission: It has to be the fastest sports brand in the world. The brand's mission is not only reflected as "Forever Faster" but it resonates in all the brand's activities and decisions. Our goal is to respond quickly to the newest trends, rapid introduction of innovative products, decisiveness, and problem solving for our partners.



Designer Outlet Gdańsk
Sklep L5
ul. Przywidzka 8
80-174 Gdańsk

+48 58 322 14 86