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Regatta Great Outdoors

Regatta is the most popular British brand that produces clothing not only for tourists, but everyone who like to spend time outdoors. No matter if you are on a beach, in the mountains, at Mazurian lakes or waiting for a bus at a bus stop: here you will find what you need. Regatta gained popularity by offering high quality products with well designed technical elements at an affordable price. The collections meet the expectations of the whole family - for kids, we offer diverse and colourfull collections, for teenagers - Xert collection with contrastic colours and for adults Classic collection, that guarantees ease of movement for every figure.  Dare2B is a brand created for winter and summer sports enthusiasts. We design clothing for those who are active the whole year, with great attention to technical qualities. For mountain trips, we offer touristic tousers, waterproof jackets and warm jumpers. For skiing passionates we offer insulated, waterproof and breathable jackets as well as trousers. For biking enthusiasts we offer quick drying t-shirts and bike shorts. Dare2B combines the highest quality, advanced technology and functionality.


Regatta Great Outdoors

Designer Outlet Gdańsk
Sklep L1
ul. Przywidzka 8
80-174 Gdańsk

+48 58 306 33 97